Two researchers of the National Aeronautics Space Agency and ensure, crop circles in Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta, man-made. The assurance was made after a team of Lapan and Sleman district police investigation at the site on Tuesday (01/25/2011) afternoon.
"This man-made. We found some evidence that this is traditionally made," said Head Utilization Center for Space Science Institute Space and Aviation Agency (Lapan) Sri Kaloka Prabotosari on site this afternoon. Sri Kaloka came with other researchers, Nizam Ahmad.
The team from Lapan revealed evidence of man-made circle. The first evidence on the central point of the crop circle is a circle 5 cm in diameter. "The central point is, we found there was a hole as deep as 25 cm and 4 cm wide which we expected as the central point. The hole is made of a rod or pipe," said Sri Kaloka.
Lapan team finds the rice stalks are broken and uprooted roots. "That's a result of stepped on," he explained.
Sri Kaloka said the chances of crop circle makers are using ropes from the center of symmetry which is then made several patterns. "Our findings, not all the same pattern, there are big, some small. So we believe this man-made," said Sri Kaloka.
Meanwhile, a team of Sleman District Police also found human footprints. Footprints were previously not visible because of a closed trunk of a fallen rice.
Sleman police chief Irwan Ramaini AKBP present at the location of crop circles, said there was no trace of the UFO at the site.
"Based on our investigation with the team from Lapan, our expectations with the team from Lapan. This man-made," said Irwan Ramaini.
Furthermore, it will still secure the site and asked residents not to climb evidence near the site because it could jeopardize safety. One person was killed this afternoon after falling from the hill. Police will also look for the perpetrator's scandalous circle makers and examine his motives.
The Evidence "Crop Circle" is Human-Made
Lets Try Bakso Medan!
Do you fans of meatball? If yes, you should try this meatball named Bakso Medan. So, let's we taste how the tasty is!
This name is Meatball Medan 99. I loved to fish meatballs. So, that afternoon we went to Kelapa Gading to eat lunch there.
It's easy to find, this restaurant located in a shophouse at Jalan Raya Boulevard Kelapa Gading. The place was simple but clean enough. Once inside, we could see piles of fish meatballs, beef meatballs, and liong tahu. Yeah here is not only a fish ball, but there are also beef meatballs.
Menu at 99 Medan Meatball offered in packages and the packages offered are rice / noodles / vermicelli / Shahe + meatballs smooth / muscle, or rice / noodles / vermicelli / Shahe + liong tahu + fish ball, or it could be beef meatball. Or would a special package is also available. My cousin ordered plus fish ball noodles and liong tahu, while I ordered meatballs mixed with beef meatballs too.
Taste of fish meatballs are delicious, soft, chewy, and tasty of the fish. No wonder Steffi love with this fish meatballs. That beef meatballs was also delicious meatballs, soft texture and so chewy. It's great taste, plus eaten with the delicious gravy.
I also like the liong tahu, so tasty, you know. Don't forget to add the sauce so that will feel more solid. Delicious! The rice noodles also slightly different from the rice noodles in general, larger texture but it does so more or less similar to that of small rice noodles. It's so a great and tasty lunch!
UFO, It's a Journey...
Crop circle at overseas
Change is a certainty. Development or growth is a process of change that often times we do not know the beginning and end boundaries. Change itself does not have the final edge.
Monday (1/24/2011) morning, Hamlet Rejosari, Jogotirto, Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta, the arrival of waves of people who want to watch a unique phenomenon, namely the mysterious circle (symmetric) in the paddy fields of seven residents. Similar phenomena occurred in various parts of the world, the largest in the United States and Europe and usually occur in wheat fields. Such phenomenon commonly referred to as crop circles. In the 20th century occurred some 10,000 crop circles, while the number of UFO cases have been reported since before 1940 to now around 550 cases with 434 cases of which accompanied by photographs (
One of the spearheads circles who believe in aliens is Bob Dean, ufologist and former members of staff at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in the 1960s. Bob Dean among other states, information about UFOs and aliens, including secret military information with very high level and "forbidden announced to the audience."
Old phenomenon
Meanwhile, the crop circle phenomenon is a phenomenon that is quite old, has been there since around the year 1686, when Prof. Robert Polt, a professor of chemistry at Oxford, wrote the book A Natural History of Staffordshire who offend crop circle. He, among others mentioned forms crop circle is symmetrical and occurs on land that is fertile and in the open field. Crop circle by some people then thought to be the trail landing Unidentified flying object (UFO).
About whether or not UFOs then provoke long debate. On the one hand there are groups who believe in UFOs, unidentified flying objects are touted as vehicles aliens (aliens) from outer space. On the other hand there are groups who do not believe in the existence of extraterrestrials and UFOs.
The first group argues, crop circles are the traces of UFO landings. It's hard to imagine a complicated pattern in the region is wide enough; circle in Sleman diameter of about 60 meters to 70 meters can be made quickly without them knowing. Circle in Sleman known Ngadiran, one of the owners of paddy fields, on Sunday (01/23/2011). In fact, on Saturday circle does not already exist.
Parties who do not believe in UFOs confirmed, crop circles are man-made artwork. Astronomy professors of Astronomy Study Program Bandung Institute of Technology, Taufiq Hidayat, for example, said, "This circle is more of an art phenomenon. This is a man-made (Kompas, 25/1/2011). "
While the Institute of Aviation and Space Agency took to the field after yesterday asserted, a mysterious circle in Sleman is man-made because there is a hole in the middle of the alleged former site menancapnya shaft to form circular patterns. Similar phenomenon, Tuesday, was found in paddy fields in the hamlet Wanujoyo, Srimartani, Piyungan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.
This opinion is strengthened by the recognition of Doug Bower and Dave Chorley in 1991 that they created the mysterious circle at Longwood Estate. The idea of making their circle cetuskan 1978. The crop circle creators also have a complete official site by making a crop circle. For some, the UFO problem may come in the area of pseudo-science.
From the debate and put forward the fact that the two parties, the question "whether there are beings beyond our galaxy who often come to Earth using a UFO?" Still will reverberate long.
The long journey
The progress of science up to now, among others, still thick colored by ideas of logical positivism that is rooted in Descartes thought the speech "sacred": cogito ergo sum (I think, therefore I exist). This idea that pursed in the opinion of sensory sensation is the only source of knowledge. Mystical knowledge was abandoned.
So, we were thirsty to find the "answer". However, it reduced the problems of answers can be verified or not, subjective or objective, fact or value, and so forth. Then, if on a possible future study of new thinking in which there is an opportunity to develop a critical question: whether all the scientific methods developed so far are sufficient to dig up the truth?
As an illustration, the Earth is a collection of mystery that little by little we are trying to uncover his secret. The phenomenon of climate change so much in fact we could not even fully peeled completely. Similarly, the Milky Way galaxy where Earth is one of its members is only a very small part of the entire universe (cosmos).
Similarly, science trip that seemed endless. Travel science is still going very long. While the age of the earth reached about 4.5 billion years old, the age of modern humans (Homo sapiens) is still much younger, has not reached 1 million years. Perhaps the answer will be questions about the new UFO will be found in a tempatpada future. Maybe not because UFOs could be just the result of the construction of the human mind.
Source: Kompas
Fried Choc Ice Cream Brownies^^
It's really the best combination! The sweet of choc ice cream and soft brownies and the texture of this dessert, crispy outside and cold and sweet inside. That's so cool!
No longer, here it is ^^ The recipe...
Fried Choc Ice Cream Brownies
Ingredients of ice cream :
* 1 pack of Wall's Vienneta Chocolate Brownie
Ingredients of the coating :
* 20 pieces of white bread without skin
* 250 ml of liquid milk
Ingredients of dyes :
* 4 egg whites, beaten off
Ingredients of the 2nd coating :
* 150 grams of bread flour
How to Make :
1. Cut Wall's Vienneta Chocolate Brownie 1 cm thick. Freeze again.
2. Soak the bread with fresh milk from flabby. Put the pieces of ice cream. Cover bread. Glue the egg white.
3. Dip into egg white. Roll in flour. Freeze again at least 3 hours in the freezer.
4. Fy in preheated oil over high heat from yellowish. Serve immediately.
For 10 servings
Recipe of Choco Ice Cream ^^
Do anyone loves choco ice cream? If it is asked to me, the answer is YES! I love so muchhh ^^ This can be served as a dessert. Eat it with some bread is delicious too, depend on your taste ^^. Anything, let's try this dessert, then, enjoy!
Choco Ice Cream
Ingredients :
* 500 ml fresh milk / evaporated milk
* ice cream coklat250 ml cream (available at supermarkets)
* 200 ml of sweetened condensed milk chocolate
* 150 grams of granulated sugar
* 5 egg yolks, beat until smooth
* 90 grams cocoa powder
* 1 tsp fine salt
How to Make :
1. Cook the fresh milk, cream, condensed milk chocolate, and sugar over medium heat until boiling.
2. Dissolve cocoa powder with hot milk mixture to taste.
3. Beat the egg yolks until smooth, put the hot milk into beaten eggs while continuing to be shaken. Enter the chocolate and salt solution, after thoroughly blended, refrigerate until completely cold then pour in a bowl, freeze in freezer for 2-3 hours. After partially frozen, remove and beat with mixer until smooth, then enter again in the freezer until completely frozen. Make the process of shaking and freezing it up to 2 3 times.
4. Serve with sponge roll and flush with strawberry jam / syrup.
For 5-6 people
Sponge Pudding Tricolor ^^
Pudding oh pudding. I want to eat it some! Then, I share this recipe then we make it together ^^
>>>>> Sponge Pudding Tricolor <<<<<
Ingredients :
1. ½ pack white powdered gelatin
2. ½ packet of red jelly powder
3. ½ packet powdered gelatin chocolate
4. ½ tablespoons cocoa powder, melted with a little milk or water until smooth
5. Little Essen stroberri + pink dye, if desired
6. 650 ml milk
7. 2 eggs, separate yolks and whites, the whites beaten until frothy
8. 185 grams granulated sugar or to taste
9. Shaved or crushed ice cubes
How to Make :
1. Mix egg yolk with a little hot milk. Set aside
2. Heat milk with agar-agar powder brown. Enter the 65 grams of sugar. Mix well. Enter also the liquid chocolate. Mix well. Then enter the third part of the egg yolk was mixed with hot milk. Stir until boiling. Pour the gelatin is to dalam1 / 3 of the beaten egg whites stiff. Pour into a pudding pan. Set aside
3. Heat milk with white jelly. Enter the 60 grams of sugar. Mix well. Enter the third part of beaten egg whites. Mix well and pour into a layer of chocolate pudding. Let
4. Last pudding made of pink in the same way and use all the materials and dyes tersisaBubuhi essens stroberri before pouring into the beaten egg whites. Stir well just pour into the beaten egg whites. Stir well just pour into the beaten egg whites. Pour into pudingwarna white, freeze
5. Cut into pieces and serve with strawberry syrup or syrup frambosen ready to buy and shaved ice.
Women is More Dominant on the Internet?
Women increasingly are using the Internet. No doubt women more like world of the Internet as the more advanced world of the Internet itself and the technology to get it. In 2010, 46 users of Internet users around the world are women. This figure does not differ much with men.
Even this year with the rapid advancement of social media like Facebook, the rate of female participation in using the internet will be more reliable ride. The latest data show women, especially in social media outnumber men, even the most social media access with cell phone are women.
The number of Internet users 46 percent of women were scattered in various regions with different percentages. In Asia Pacific, 42.4% of internet users are women, whereas in Europe the figure reached 47%. In North America and Latin America at the rate of participation of women was 50.4% and 48.1%. Furthermore, countries like Singapore, the United States, Canada, and New Zealand have women who are more Internet users than men.
But in Indonesia and India, female Internet users is still very little in the past year 2010 (around June), only 35% in Indonesia and 28% in India. However, I believe in 2011 this figure will increase significantly now that Indonesia is the second biggest Facebook users in the world and India is one country with the highest growth of Facebook users earlier in the year 2010.
From the statistics released by found that women spend more time on the internet than men, which is an average of 24.8 hours to 22.9 hours for women and men. Certainly be interesting to know what women do when you're surfing and what others do men. What do they do? Was chatting, looking for documents, send e-mails or just browsing do not obvious purpose?
From the statistical results of the 40 countries in the world in 2010 ago, what turned out to be a favorite of women and men when surfing or using the Internet differently. From these data, 16.3% of women use the time on the internet for her social networking, while men only 11.7%. The index is in addition to the above percentage figures show the amount of time spent, with the larger index, time spent on certain activities in the greater surf.
The data also show that in the three categories that can be incorporated into social media, ie social networking, Instant Messengers, and email, girls outperformed boys. All three of these activities spent more than 35% of time spent peempuan in the surf. Even in North America, 9 out of 10 women who use the internet visit social media, a figure that is very high.
While men are more interested to look for the activity or source (probably to download movies, songs, books and videos), auctions, and business. When we consider further what the things that are important to women and men in the surf we can see that most of the topics that have attracted the attention of women on the internet is not far from that preferred by women generally like perfume, flowers, Gifts and Greetings, and pets. For men more like community-food, family and parenting, apparel and so on.
If seen anything that was purchased by men and women, especially in the United States, it is again emphasized that women are indeed very happy with keperempuannya so buy goods that are not far away from it. Most U.S. women (71%) buy apparel and accessories, while men only 29%.
When viewed in a certain site like Twitter, men are more inclined to tweet, tweet that he has made his own, whereas women use Twitter to follow celebrities and to find a supply of a product and make Twitter as a medium of conversation.
Clearly, although both access the internet, it turns out women and men have different tastes in deciding what content is appealing to most of them. Women are more like socializing, buying and following the topic closely related to women, whereas men are more to the knowledge, news, forums and purchase goods close to their characteristics such as computers and gadgets.
By knowing the tendency internet usage women and men is, for active and smart marketers will take advantage of this opportunity by offering a variety of products that favored each gender. With the popularity of social media trends and the increasing number of women who use it, marketers should also use this medium to reach women and introduce their products to be more personal. (Kompasiana / Kimi Raikko)
Source : Kompasiana
Alien-Made or Human-Made??
The discovery of a giant circle pattern in rice cultivation areas Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Sunday (01/23/2011), attracting the attention of observers of the phenomenon of Unidentified flying object (UFO). Such traces during these crop circles is often called an act associated with a foreign or alien creatures.
Crop circle has been frequently encountered in various countries. These reports are often delivered from local astonishing Latin America. Very large size can reach tens to hundreds of meters.
"With a very large size hard to say if the forms of such a giant man-made. So it can be concluded, there are other creatures that make it," said Dudi Sudibyo, observers are also observers of the UFO flight, when contacted, Sunday night.
Nevertheless, he did not deny that the crop circle could be also be made human. Moreover, in Yogyakarta that size is not as big crop circles in Latin America that its size in the tens to hundreds of meters.
"Scientific approach should still be put forward. I think people can not ignore it just like that. It should be investigated further," said Dudi.
He said that interested parties should immediately examine the document such as taking pictures in detail, measure its dimensions, including investigating how the crop circles that can appear on the site.
There are a number of experts who had previously tried to reconstruct the manufacture of crop circles. According to him, it is not impossible although it should be with the accurate mathematical calculations.
However, until now crop circle ever discovered remains a mystery because no one claimed him. Well, what about the crop circle in Yogyakarta, will remain a mystery?
Recipe of Corn Flakes Cookies
Corn Flakes, love it! Let's try! ^^
Corn Flakes Cookies
1. 125 grams butter
2. 75 grams refined sugar
3. 100 grams flour
4. ¼ cup corn flour
5. 1 egg
6. ¼ tsp* vanilla
7. ½ tsp baking powder
8. Corn Flakes or corn chips, crushed coarsly.
1. Beat butter and powdered sugar until fluffy.
2. Add the eggs.
3. Whisk until the flower and white.
4. Enter the vanilla, baking powder, cornstarch and corn chips.
5. Last put the flour mix well.
6. Take as many as 1 teaspoon of dough one at a time. Arrange on a baking sheet that has been polished butter. Grilled until cooked.
Happy baking ^^
* teaspoon
Recipe of Florentine Cookies
Florentine? Seems like name of someone^^ But, it's true. The name of this cookies is came from Florence hence why its name Florentine Cookies. These cookies are just like caramelized biscuits as the mixture is prepared mainly with butter, nuts and glace fruits. Now, let's we try it at home! ^^
Florentine Cookies
Ingredients :
1. 1/4 cup walnuts
2. 1/4 cup slivered almonds
3. 1 tbsp sultanas
4. 2 oz butter
5. 1/4 cup caster sugar
6. 1 oz glace cherries
7. 1 tbsp cream
8. Chocolate sauce for topping (optional)
1. Coarsely chopped all the nuts and glace fruits including walnuts, almonds, sultanas, cherries and ginger.
2. Put all the chopped nuts and fruits in food processor to get a finely chopped mixture.
3. In a sauce pan melt butter and then add sugar, cook on medium high heat until sugar completely dissolves and starts bubbling.
4. When the mixture turns into golden in color remove the pan from heat and fold nuts mixture and cream in it.
5. Now spread greased wax paper on a baking tray and put 2 tablespoon of prepared mixture onto it, keep distance between each cookie mixture.
6. Place the tray in preheated oven at 350 degrees F for just 10 mins. until become golden brown in color.
7. When florentine cookies have been baked cool them to room temperature and then transfer to serving plate using flat spatula so that they should not break. Sprinkle some grated dark chocolate on top and then serve with tea or coffee.
Pemerintah Bohong atau Tidak? (*Special Post)
Di Indonesia, sedang terjadi kontroversi di kancah politik. Mengingat sudah dua kali presiden SBY menjabat sebagai presiden RI, ia juga telah membuat janji kepada masyarakat diantaranya yang paling terngiang di telinga saya ialah janji untuk pemberantasan korupsi.
Tetapi, seperti yang kita lihat.
Masalah Gayus sampai sekarang juga belum selesai. Entah diakibatkan kinerja lembaga hukum ataukah sebab yang lain, kita sebagai masyarakat awam juga tak mengetahuinya secara detail. Yang jelas, banyak orang sudah menganggap Presiden SBY berbohong. Dari sinilah muncul pro dan kontra.
Tetapi, menurut saya, butuh waktu cukup lama untuk berusaha merealisasikan semua janji presiden. Bukankah kita sebagai masyarakat seharusnya menunggu janji tersebut direalisasikan sambil mengamati secara lebih jelas tentang kinerja kabinet SBY sendiri. Bila kinerjanya dianggap kurang baik, bisakah dilengserkan saat waktu kita melengserkan mantan presiden Soeharto dari jabatannya? Itulah pertanyaan besar yang mungkin sulit dijawab oleh orang. Ataukah karena dari rentetan masalah - masalah yang dihadapi negeri ini yang tak kunjung selesai membuat kita semakin menjadi bangsa yang terpuruk? Jawablah sesuai jawaban dari sudut pandang Anda sendiri.
The Recipe of Ice Cream Cake^^
I just googling, and found the amazing recipe. So, letss check it out, guys! ^^
Ice Cream Cake
It's used vanilla and peach ice cream ^^
Ingredients of vanilla ice cream :
1. 500 ml fresh cream
2. 750 ml milk
3. 5 egg yolks
4. 200 gr sugar
5. Vanilla
6. 1 teaspoon gelatin powder
Peach Ice Cream Ingredients :
# 500 ml fresh cream
# 750 ml full cream milk
# 5 egg yolks
# 200 gr sugar
# 1 teaspoon gelatin powder
# Pureed peaches (made of canned peaches then blended until smooth, remember only the fruits)
Directions :
(It's same between Vanilla and Peach ice cream)
• Beat egg yolks with sugar little by way of au bain marie until puffed, set aside.
• Heat milk with remaining sugar until boiling ... (stirring constantly over heated), reduce the heat
• enter the second ladle of hot milk into beaten egg, mix well and enter telornya whisk into the milk while stirring until the batter thickens direction, (the fire must be kept small), turn off the heat
• Enter the fresh cream and gelatin, stir until melted gelatin all
• Refrigerate overnight (minimum 8 hours)
• Processes in ice cream maker to maker so ... follow the instructions.
(Make vanilla ice cream, extract vanillanya unison with the gelatin powder is inserted, if a peach, puree peachnya fit into the batter would put into ice cream maker (ICM))
How to Assemble Ice cake :
• Provide 1 piece of sponge cake size of 22 cm diameter, split into 2
• Prepare two baking dish diameter 20 cm. Cover pan with plastic sticky, leave the rest sticking out the pan, let bikinnya 2 layers of strong fit would get it out.
• Put the cake pan is based, flush with the ice cream just out of the ICM, freeze 2 hours
• While the first layer again in the freeze, an hour later the next layer .... If it's done, so flush on top of the first layer .. freeze overnight
• Remove the ice cake from pan by the way, dihair dryer first edge of pan to slightly warm, continued to pull the plastic stick ....
• Ready to decorated and served ^^
Enjoy ^^
Less Sleep Influences Your Health?
It's very important for you all who are less sleep! Your time of sleep will influence your health. Then, we must know how it can influence our health?
DO you often feel forgotten or difficult to concentrate? When you sleep at night is less than six hours? Well, if it is felt, then no doubt you lack sleep.
Yes, lack of sleep consciously or not, can make a person difficult to think clearly and unable to suppress emotion. Generally many people who sleep less are not aware of the effects of lack of sleep greatly affects the mind and mental health.
In fact, sleep is not just rest the body. More than that, sleep has been shown to improve memory, vision, and ability to learn.
"When asleep, the same as you save energy in the body," says Barry Krakow, MD in the page
Author of Sound Sleep, Sound Mind: 7 Keys to Sleeping Through the Night is to say, at rest, the body tries to repair itself.
"This is what makes humans able to perform activities, both physically and mentally," he added.
Sufficient time to sleep is crucial that there are still many underestimated. They did not know that lack of sleep can impact on the various things that harm themselves. Call it a thinking process becomes slow.
The experts who examined the matter of sleep found that decreased sleep time may result in low alertness and concentration. The low alertness and concentration is then hamper performance and make it difficult to solve problems that require logical and rational.
Lack of sleep also result in decreased ability to make decisions. The explanation is simple, namely the absence of the ability to assess things and decide sikap.Kurangnya sleep time also affects the ability to learn in both directions.
Because you are not able to focus so hard to digest the information. Memory or memory is also at stake in this. In themselves the children or adolescents, lack of sleep can make it become hyperactive and difficult to learn.
They tend to lose concentration, craft, and lower the memory capacity necessary to excel in school. Assistant professor in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Maryland School Verceles Avelino MD says, "When a person sleeps, the various things we have learned and experienced during a full day, will be stored in short-term memory," he said.
Avelino added, when the middle of sleepy, people will often feel forgotten something. For example, where he put this barangnya.Kondisi because of being sleepy and would worsen memory.
"When you are unable to concentrate, information received will not be stored in both the short-or long-term memory," said Allison T Siebern PhD, which deepened his studies on the program about sleep hygiene and insomnia at Stanford University.
In addition to the various circumstances that have been mentioned earlier, lack of sleep also makes one's reaction time is slower. This capability but very necessary, especially when someone is driving or doing jobs that require quick reaction.
Free Road Safety Administration Agency Barriers (The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) estimates that at least there are 100,000 crashes reported to police each year due to drowsy drivers. This incident happened mainly teenagers and adults, especially the men.
They usually are part-time workers who work at night or working on the not fixed, as well as those who experience sleep disorders. Lags in people's ability to react will endanger himself.
In a study conducted in 2009, researchers from the University of Texas found that disrupted rest time will hinder integration of information. This is a function of the mind that depend on the ability to decide something. The researcher argues, professions such as firefighters, policemen, and soldiers are very vulnerable to this one function. Lack of sleep also affects mood significantly.
Causing a person becomes more sensitive and the decreasing ability to control emotions.
"Gradually, this situation will affect the relationship, or even a person's job," says Allison.
In fact, patients who have chronic sleep disorders will likely suffer depresi.Ini revealed in an earlier study in 2005 which states that people with insomnia disease 10 times more at risk for depression and 17 times more likely to suffer from anxiety than those who get enough sleep.
Lack of sleep and depression are closely related so that makes experts are also confused determine which of the two states that came first on the patient.
"Sleep and mood also influence each other," said Allison.
Lets Leave "4 Sehat 5 Sempurna" !
4 Sehat 5 Sempurna? Its a combine of rice, vegetables, meat, fruits and the last is milk! Yeah, we have known it when we're in elementary school ^^ Then, in the title, I said we should leave it, why? Lets we know the reason why we should leave it ^^
4 sehat 5 sempurna is no longer the measure to reach the standard of nutrition and health, especially for children.
During these misguided people about healthy eating program is. Community should also notice the amount of calories given to children, especially school age children.
The amount of these foods are also associated with child portions that must be tailored to their needs. The balance between healthy foods and the number is what four of five perfectly healthy change into a balanced nutritional diet.
This was conveyed by Ambassador Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Special Envoy of the President Nila Djuwita F Moeloek in discussions "Golden Generation Nation thanks to Healthy Nutrition" at the Acacia Hotel, Jakarta, Saturday (01/22/2011). This discussion raised the impact of malnutrition and school children to overcome it.
"So far it has been four communities him five perfectly healthy. There are rice, side dishes, vegetables, fruits, and milk. But, have set the amount of food? Not to say we can eat with rice and fish, but fish salty one. Or , gave his son to eat in large portions. It's meant not meet the nutritional balance. Children do not just fed. We must know also how many calories are needed for children, "says Nila.
The number of calories needed child is different. Children of school age who have not entered puberty require 1600-2500 calories per day. Entering the transition to adulthood, most children need to increase your calorie intake to 2500-3000 per day. This amount is also adjusted to the child's daily activities. Active children certainly need more calorie intake.
Nila added that the Indonesian people eating patterns should also be improved to achieve balanced nutrition. So far, people tend to depend on rice. Even the government also imported rice to meet demand for rice. In fact, in Indonesia, which is rich in food, rice can be replaced with corn or potatoes.
"To fulfill nutrient also do not always have rice, meat. We're also able to replace with sweet potatoes, corn, and many substitute foods that contain more high protein, good for kids. Meat can also be replaced with a fish. A lot of potential, but now depends on the parents, did have knowledge of good nutrition for children, "he said.
In response, Chairman of the Community Foundation Movement nutrient Prawita Tirta Sari said, parents and children need guidance and education about balanced nutrition for children of school age.
In addition, teachers in schools should not only emphasize on 4 sehat 5 sempurna, but also a balanced nutrition from food.
"It's true, kids should not be given food only. They also need healthy food education. In 2011 this in Greater Jakarta area we plan to provide education to school children about balanced nutrition. They are also taught how to make it so that they can become agents who teach balanced nutrition to families them at home, rather than four of five perfectly healthy again, "Tirta asserted.
Bought Justin Bieber's Tickets Become a Chaos!
Do you love (fans) Justin Bieber? If you're, then you must know this news^^
,And me too, I like his voice and dance. It looks very good (maybe excellent) ^^v
But, from that feeling, and want to watch him, then they all, try to get the ticket. Maybe there are too many fans of Justin Bieber in Indonesia. He should decrease it. hehe (Just kidding) ^^
Concert of Justin Bieber will be held on April 23, 2011. However, thousands of people are willing to queue to get tickets it shows teenagers 16 years.
Ticket sales are famous vocalists on YouTube that were opened at EX Plaza, Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Saturday (01/22/2011). Unfortunately, because of lack of co-ordinated by the organizers, the line was turned into a riot.
How was chaos, thousands buyers began arriving since 03.00, and new ticket sales booth opened at 09.00. Action pushing fellow buyers was inevitable once the ticket officer came on duty selling tickets chanter song "Baby"is.
Some young women who dominate the queue is seen crying because of pain in people's bodies squeezed around. Not even a faint bit to have to get medical care. The committee considered less sprightly pengantre anger had become a target.
"This committee where? queue baseball there is a ngatur. My daughter dawn to queue from 05:00 hours can not go too!" said a middle-aged man who accompanied her daughter. Tickets are on sale today as many as 4,000 sheets of all 10,500 tickets that will be marketed. For pengantre who do not miss out, the committee will provide coupons that can later be exchanged in online ticket sales site,
If we can buy it online, why don't try it? Than you must wait for buy it? But, it's your choice^^ hehe
Vitamins Make You Thinner
Consuming vitamins? It's a good way to increase your weight. But, who knows? If you consume it too many, it'll make you thinner ^^ Not increasing your weight, but on the contrary? Then, the worse effect is if the vitamins that you consume aren't soluble vitamins especially vitamin A, D, E or K. It can make other effect. Lets we know whats the effect of ^^
"Excess vitamin A can cause heads so dizzy," said Dr. Najib Advani, SpAK, MMed, Paed of part of Child Health, Faculty of medicine Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta.
In fact, water-soluble vitamins too, such as vitamin C, also should not be given in high doses. "Excess vitamin C cause kidney stones, in addition to cause irritation of the stomach to stomach feels sore. Moreover, if the gift in a long time, children become dependent on vitamin C. The medical term, a rebound," he said.
That is why, the doctor is very "stingy" when asked for a prescription vitamin baby vitamin though he used to prescribe has been exhausted. You see, the provision of vitamins for infants and children is not recommended for a lifetime.
No increase appetite
Generally, parents provide vitamins for the baby to gain weight because the purpose of vitamins is believed to increase appetite. In fact, vitamin considered so efficacious overcome difficult children eat, parents are often half forcing doctors to give vitamins though his son had a good diet and body fat as well.
In fact, none of which merit vitamins directly increase appetite even when your baby will not eat because of pain and the doctor gave him vitamins. In addition, not because these vitamins can increase appetite, but for child nutrition not less. "Unless the baby is deficient in vitamin B complex because of its effects is to make people so poor appetite," he said.
So do not believe the nonsense that says vitamins to increase appetite. Do not also think, the more overweight babies means more good. It is precisely when the little one already thin often given vitamins, vitamin deficiency while his baseball, then we should feel ashamed.
Do not forget, the excess vitamin can cause stomach irritation. As a result, even so the child would not eat. If it were so, no weight gain, but the body becomes increasingly emaciated. "Well, this, right, we might as well look after him no good. Not so," he said.
Consult your doctor
After all, as a layman, is rather difficult for us to detect the small vitamin deficiency or not, especially in cases that are not too heavy (marginal). In addition, the characteristics of vitamin deficiency should also be seen case by case basis. Lack of vitamin A, for example, "usually in the whites of the eyes will look cloudy. If ignored, after a long time there will be spots," said Najib.
Vitamin A deficiency can also make your baby often experience an infection, like strep throat. "Not that if your child has strep throat, he was deficient in vitamin A, you know. So, do not be reversed, yes, ma'am, sir," he said.
About weight loss is also not an absolute measure of children deficient in vitamin. "Indeed, often the child's weight is less vitamins are also lacking. However, baseball can be reversed that children who lean means less vitamin," he said. Metabolism of children who lack vitamins, said Najib, also not good to lose weight.
So, the best would first consult with your doctor if your baby needs a vitamin. "Usually the doctor will first look at his diet. If it is good, yes, baseball needs to vitamins," he said. For example, infants who consume milk. "When the mother nutrition and adequate intake of vitamins is good, it means that the baby did not absolutely need extra vitamins. Hopefully, the breastfeeding baby needs are met," he said.
Similarly, formula-fed infants, "if the formula milk already contains vitamin with adequate levels based on recommended daily allowances or needs every day baby, baby do not need extra vitamins," he said. "However, with notes, menyusunya pattern is also good, you know," he said again.
Even if the little thin and hard to eat, the doctor also will not directly provide vitamins, but saw the case first. The little one does not like to eat vegetables and fruit, for example, means that he takes vitamin C. Well, vitamin C is given.
Four conditions
Generally, doctors giving vitamins to babies when experienced one or more of four conditions:
1. His diet was not good.
Sometimes babies want to eat or drink milk, but sometimes not. For example, the four-month old baby not feeding well, but at this age he had not received any additional food. Obviously he needs vitamins. However, what vitamins they need, dokterlah who know better.
2. When sick or recovering from an illness.
In this condition, babies need vitamin. Usually the new baby sick poor appetite and increased vitamin needs. So, for adequate nutritional intake, she should receive vitamin. Once healthy again, giving vitamin discontinued.
3. Low weight.
Infants with low weight or less than 2.5 kilograms also need extra vitamins. Low weight could be due to premature birth (not just months). Usually, iron-deficient premature infants was needed to iron supplements. In the market there are actually a special formula for premature babies. It can be given to vitamin not absolutely necessary.
Other things in the baby was born just months but small. This baby obviously need extra vitamins. Usually a small baby who was born just months but this caused little problem in the placenta when the baby is still in the womb, until the food supply from mother to fetus is less good. So, he was born with low weight.
4. Not exposed to sunlight.
Babies are not exposed to sunlight need vitamins, especially vitamin D supplements However, these cases usually occur in the four seasons. When winter comes, baby can not be taken out because it can be cold and the sun was rarely there.
In the skin, said Najib, there are ingredients to make vitamin D. However, to produce vitamin D, skin should be exposed to the sun first. "So, if there is no sunlight, the process could take place," he said.
In our country would rarely happen infants are deficient in vitamin D. Is not our country is rich in sunlight? Moreover, Indonesian mothers usually often drying the baby in the morning when the sun shows itself new.
Mineral Needs
In addition to vitamins, minerals provision would not be excessive. When the baby tooth eruption was likewise, for example, do not rush to give her calcium supplements because it is not necessarily needed. Besides, the normal age of tooth eruption between 6 and 12 months. After all, this was not the benchmark must be because there are babies that have been erupting at such an early age of four months. The reason, said Najib, tooth eruption is also influenced by innate factors of children.
So, if your child eats any menyusunya good and well but he has not experienced tooth eruption, meaning he did not need extra calcium. Would not they satisfy their need for calcium than milk? Do not forget that milk is rich in calcium. Conversely, if the baby teeth have erupted, but drank less milk, he clearly took calcium supplements.
Certainly not hnay calcium. Other minerals such as phosphorus and fluorine would not be excessive. Fluorine, for example, it is important to the strength of teeth. Fluoride intake from drinking water obtained. When drinking water levels of less than 0.3 ppm (parts per million), fluoride supplementation is needed, can be in the form of a tablet or a multivitamin. However, when levels are 0.3 ppm or more, "added fluorine obviously not needed anymore," he said.
New DNA experts in Knox murder appeal in Italy
Amanda Knox appears before an Italian court Saturday in her bid to overturn a conviction for the murder of British student Meredith Kercher with new experts reviewing key forensic evidence.
The American was sentenced to 26 years in prison last year for the 2007 killing of Leeds University student Meredith, 21, with whom she shared a house in the town of Perugia in central Italy where both were studying.
Raffaele Sollecito, Knox's boyfriend at the time, was sentenced to 25 years for his part in the murder and is also appealing his conviction.
The first hearing this year is scheduled to start at 9am (0800 GMT) and will see two experts from Romes Sapienza University -- Stefano Conti and Carla Vecchiotti -- formally appointed to review the evidence.
Conti and Vecchiotti, called in after the court ordered fresh tests on the presumed murder weapon, are expected to ask for 60 days to re-examine the DNA evidence used to convict the pair.
"This is a key moment. Today, for the first time, independent experts will be asked to examine the evidence," Knox's lawyer Carlo Dalla Vedova said ahead of the hearing.
Knox's defence say the kitchen knife -- found in Sollecito's house and said to have Knox's DNA on the handle and Kercher's on the blade -- does not fit the wounds.
The absence of blood and low level of Kercher's DNA on the knife mean it was probably contaminated in the lab and should be excluded, they say.
They also want a bra clip with traces of Sollecito's DNA disregarded because it was collected days after the murder, had been moved, and is also likely to be contaminated.
Kercher's body was found semi-naked in her room on November 2, 2007. A third person, an Ivorian man called Rudy Guede, was sentenced for his part in the murder in a fast-track trial in 2008.
Knox, Sollecito and Guede were charged with sexually assaulting and killing Meredith in a drug-fuelled attack.
But the Seattle native's lawyers have also questioned the reliability of the prosecution's key witness, a homeless man Antonio Curatolo, who lives on a bench and who testified to seeing Knox and Sollecito the night of the murder.
Curatolo also claimed that he saw students on a bus that night coming from a discotheque in town, a detail challenged by the defence who say there was no disco open that night.
The court is likely to call on the manager of the disco and the bus driver to testify in later hearings. The outcome of the trial is expected some time later this year.
Knox has repeatedly protested her innocence. Her step-father, Chris Mellas, who has been living in Perugia since September to help prepare for the appeal, is expected to attend Saturday's hearing.
Our Life is From Space???
Some scientists argue that life on Earth originated from outer space. Based on their theory, in the past the Earth once bombarded by asteroids that once brought the molecules of life.
Is it true that opinion? Lately, evidence is growing stronger. In 2009 Dr. Daniel Glavin find amino acid molecules in a fraction of asteroids that successfully reached the surface of the earth.
Amino acids are the basic building blocks of protein molecules, ie molecules that play a major role in life, from digesting food to immune function. Amino acids found in meteorites that is L-isovaline.
The evidence is strengthened by recent findings Glavin. Astrobiologi expert who became researcher at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, this time finding the amino acids in meteorites 9 units.
In the studied meteorites, Glavin found that all amino acid-rich species L. Several others have amino acid amino acid L and R are balanced. None of the amino acid-rich R.
L amino acids are found in many kinds of living things. R amino acids seen from its structure is the "mirror" or the isomer (chemical term) of the amino acid L. R amino acid found only in bacteria and several species of sea slugs.
With these results, Glavin said, "This is evidence that the discovery of the past is not a coincidence. Indeed there is something that happens so that this meteorite is also rich in amino acids of L."
Glavin said the results of this study is also a clue. If life on earth consisted mostly of amino acids L, is not impossible that these molecules are actually derived from meteorites.
"The meteorite, meteorite amino acids may send L to the earth which will eventually help the formation of 'soup' prakehidupan. It could be a clue that we are destined to be a living being L," he said.
Glavin research results published in Meteoritics & Planetary Science, published January 17, 2011. Among the nine meteorites studied Galvin, one of which is Murchison which hit Australia in 1969.
In his research, Glavin also found that water had a role in increasing the number of L amino acids. Glavin found the existence of hydrated minerals (reacts with water) on the amino acid-rich meteorites L.
"Water seems to be the key. The more asteroids are in contact with water, the more L amino acid which is found," he said. However, the mechanism of water increases the amount of the amino acid L is unknown.
Meanwhile, Glavin also touched on the role of radiation in the dominance of the amino acid L. Cosmic ray radiation during solar still may be a bit young to support the creation and destruction of the amino acid L amino acid R.
All results can be a clue that other parts of the solar system was dominated by the amino acid L. So, if there is life on other parts of the solar system, life must also be dominated by the amino acid L.
"We seem to not want to see a reflection of the L amino acids in our solar system," Glavin said in an interview with Nature, January 19, 2011. L amino acids are often called left-handed amino acids.
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Fish Has Numerical Ability? Yes or No?
Wow, its the first I knew this news. I think this is useful, so I share it with you ^^
I just knew that not only us have that ability, but fish has it too! Dou you want to know what that kind of fish? Can you guess it? ^^
It's Angelfish. Yapp, the scientists have proven this through research to it. Then, Scientists concluded that the fish can distinguish a lot or a little plus be able to count from 1 to 3.
Gerlai and Luis Gomez-Lalpaza from the University of Oviedo, Spain, attracted by the notion that fish angels choose to join the great herd when in a foreign environment. They do so for the sake of security.
Gerlai and his team put the fish in a special tank. Fish is faced with two herds with different amounts. The researchers then recorded the selected herd fish.
As a result, angel fish are able to choose a larger herd when the difference between the two herd number is doubled. When the difference in amount is less than two times, the choice of fish can not be predicted. With these findings, the researchers drew the conclusion that the angel fish can predict the number of flocks.
Aside from being able to predict the amount, angel fish can also be more precise count. "For example, fish can distinguish between 2 and 3," Gerlai exemplifies. "This shows the calculation of individual ability, not just estimate the amount," he said. Gerlai also explains, numeracy angel fish is limited only to 3.
Scientists guess, numeracy skills in these fish have no advantage for the fish. "Hence, this ability does not evolve," said Gerlai.
Unlike numeracy skills, the ability to predict the number of herds have advantages for angel fish. They choose their predictions herd more for security and the search for food. (National Geographic Indonesia / Alex Pangestu)
A Hickey Causes Stroke?
A New Zealand woman suffered partial paralysis in his body due to "bite tenderly passionate" alias hickey on the neck of her partner is in love, so the doctors reported in the New Zealand Medical Journal.
44-year-old woman came to the emergency unit at Middlemore Hospital in Auckland last year after his left arm can not be moved while watching television, according to the journal as quoted by AFP on Friday (21/01/2011).
The doctors concluded that she suffered a mild stroke. But they are confused about the cause until they later found a small vertical bruises on her neck near a major artery, a tender bite or hickey, he obtained a few days earlier.
"Because it's a hickey, there's a lot of suction," said one doctor who treated him, Teddy Wu, told the Christchurch Press. "As a result of physical trauma that occurs, there is a little bruised in the blood vessels. There is a blood clot in an artery beneath that hickey."
Wu said the clot was dislodged, and then move to the heart of the woman, and there clumps that trigger a mild stroke that caused legannya can not be moved. "We are looking for medical literature and examples of fish that cause something like that but there has never been a case like that before," he said.
Paramedics said the woman had been cured after being treated with anti-clotting drug.
Then, everyone, I think a hickey is bad, and just with kiss, you can express your love with your couple, not a hickey^^
We'll Meet Mammoth about 4 or 5 Years again!
Mammoth? Its the extinct ancient animal and considered to have a kinship with the elephant, it is likely to be born again next four years. This possibility is the result of breakthrough of the cloning technology.
In the 1990s, scientists have attempted to study the possibility of recovery of heart cells from skin and muscle tissue of mammoths found in Siberia, Russia. However, these efforts failed because the cell nucleus has been badly damaged by extreme cold temperatures.
The science is far from hopeless. In 2008, Dr. Teruhiko Wakayama Development Center for Biology from Japan, RIKEN, technology pioneered cloning mice from cells of other mice that have been frozen for 16 years. The same technology will be applied to mammoths.
Efforts rebirth of extinct animals in about 5,000 years ago will be expanded Professor Akira Iritani from Kyoto University. "Now the technical problem has been resolved. All we need is a good sample of the soft tissue of mammoths frozen," Iritani said as quoted by The Daily Telegraph.
Iritani planning to travel to Siberia to find the remains of mammoths in the form of skin or tissue samples. Iritani just need this sample as small as 3 cm square. If not successful, he plans to ask for a sample of Russian scientists.
Nucleus of cells of skin or muscle tissue mammoths will be inserted into the African elephant egg cell that acts as a parent substitute (surrogate mother). Gestation period is estimated to need about 600 days. Previously, the preparation phase until the African elephant can be impregnated, takes about two years.
"Until now, the success rate in cloning a cow is very small. But, there are probably about 30 percent. I think we have ample opportunities for success and healthy mammoths could be born in four or five years," he said.
Mammoth is a family member elephantidae which is also a family of species that we know today. (National Geographic Indonesia / Raras Cahyafitri),
Baker King~
Baker king or Bread, Love and Dreams is a the best drama! I loved it so much~ ^^
Then, here, i'll share the link to download the songs. And I'll show the list of the songs ^^ If there is something that you wanna to request about, please let me know by comment here ^^ Thanks a lot!
>> Click that link >>>
Copy that link and paste it to your browser or you can click it directly from here ^^
Happy listening guys! ^^
NB: If you wanna request the lyric, please request ^^ But, here I have lyric of Kyuhyun's song "Hope is a dream that doen't sleep" If i post so many lyrics here, maybe it'll be made me confuse [(o.O)v ^^
Doing Sex in Space is Dangerous!
Doing sex? Before do it, you must read this! Let's check it out.. ^^
Since long research about reproduction in space to be one hot topic, especially when the space exploration program began to be encouraged. Build human colonies on other planets might still be a nightmare.
The reason, the results showed that sex in space is still at high risk if it is intended to produce offspring. Based on the study, the resulting offspring will probably have the disorder.
A study, published in the Journal of Cosmology examine the development of zebrafish embryos under conditions similar to the conditions of outer space. Research carried out by placing the embryos in the bioreactor is designed to simulate gravity conditions in space. The scientists then recorded the embryonic development.
After the eggs hatch, the scientists found that the bone supporting the gill change shape in some fish. A few months later, the number of fish that experienced abnormal increases. Scientists found the bones become bent at the base of the skull.
Research that has been done before also found something similar. However, the use of bireaktor criticized for being unable to mimic the conditions of outer space perfectly.
Articles study in the Journal of Cosmology is touching on topics that are considered taboo and NASA has never discussed before: sex in space. This topic arose after a plan to carry out the mission of sending humans to Mars.
Source : National Geographic Indonesia
3 Hours Without Heart!
Heart of a British man 53-year-old was stopped for 3.5 hours. But his life could be saved after a team of doctors perform chest compression (chest compression).
Arun Bhasin, the name of the man, found unconscious after she slipped on a slippery road in freezing temperatures late last December. He was known to slip and mengelami wound in the head. When taken to hospital only recently recognized that he had a heart attack.
Luckly, he was taken to Cyroydon University Hospital, in south London, which is the second best hospital in England in the handling of the heart.
The team doctors who do business directly menanganginya chest compression CPR using the latest machinery, AutoPulse, which aims to restore the function of lung and heart.
"He was already dying because there was no heartbeat or pulse for 3 to 3.5 hours. Because it is a miracle to see realized again, 'said Raghunath Dr.Nigel handle.
Cardiac pulmonary resuscitation (cardiopulmonary resuscitation / CPR) is a standard procedure for handling people who stop breathing. Without CPR, someone who stopped breathing only able to survive for a few minutes. Each year, millions of people died because of late to get medical assistance due to a heart attack.
Meanwhile, Bhasin who works as an engineer was deeply grateful for a chance to live again. "I am very lucky because the doctors handled great," he said.
In a Minute, Cigarettes Causes Cancer Directly?
It seemed almost everyone in cigarettes is the principal cause of lung cancer. However, not many people realize that the chemicals in cigarettes will direct form of cancer compounds in a matter of minutes after smoked, not a month or years after a person addicted cigarette.
The scientists whose study is reported in Chemical Research in Toxicology said polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chemicals in cigarette when inhaled, will be directly converted into chemicals that damage DNA and are carcinogenic (cancer originator.) The process was short-lived, between 15-30 minutes after inhaled.
The study was conducted by measuring the levels of PAH in 12 patients after they smoked. Research conducted by a team from the University of Minnesota is the first time the influence of PAHs in the metabolism of the body especially after the cigarette is smoked. The study also did not see other factors, such as air pollution or diet.
"The surprise of this research is how fast the process of occurrence of this cancer. Not in 30 years but within 30 minutes after the cigarette is smoked," said Martin Dockrell, policy and research director of Action on Smoking and Health.
Although the damage caused by cigarettes is going fast, not too late to quit. "The sooner you quit, the sooner also suppressed the effects of damage," he said.
The Dirty of ATM Machine with Toilet is Same!
Have you ever used ATM Machine? If yes, maybe you won't ever expect that from a ATM, you can transmit or be transmitted by any diseases. But, the research has proven this. Lets we know it more!
The result of a research shows, automatic machine that also turned out banking transactions with the same dirty as PUBLIC TOILET because it is a place that is ideal for breeding bacteria and germs that cause disease.
Scientists in England recently conducted research by comparing the keypad or keyboard input multiple ATM with public toilet seats. The results show, both appeared to have similar levels of bacterial contamination.
Samples from both places are equally an ideal place for the bacteria that cause infections and diarrheal diseases.
"We were surprised by these findings because the ATM machines contaminated with bacteria with the same level of public toilets. In addition, the bacteria were detected in the ATM is the same kind as the toilet, which became the most common cause of illness in the community," said Dr. Richard Hastings of BioCote Ltd., a company in the field of anti-bacterial mengagas this research.
Earlier, in a poll of consumers revealed, toilet ranked first as the most slovenly, while ATM is ranked 10. Places that are judged as a hotbed of growth of bacteria is a public phone box, bus and train seats.
Lyric of Baker King - Hope a Dream That Doesn't Sleep Kyuhyun SuJu
Na wiroweodo dwae neol saengkhakhal ddaen
Misoga na ye eolgure beoncheo
Na himdeureodo dwae niga haengbokhal ddaen
Sarangi nae mam katooki jaewo
Oneuldo nan ggeochin sesangsoge saljiman
Himdeurodo noon kamoonmyeon ni moseubpoon
Ajikdo gwikka ye deulryeo oneun goomdeuri
Na ye gyeottaeseo neol hyanghae kago ittjana
Nae salmi haruharu goommeul gooneun geotcheoreom
Neowa hamkke majubomyeon saranghal soo ittamyeon
Dashi ilreosol geoya
Na ye ge sojoonghaetteon ki yok sogge haengbokdul
Himdeul shigan sogeseodo deowook ddasoohae doen
Himangeun naegen chamdeulji ahneun goom
Neul na ye gyeottaeseo geurimjacheoreom
Joyongi neoneun naegero wasseo
Na apahaneunji maeil wiro woonji
Geurioomeuro neoneun naege da nyeoga
Sesangi nal oolge haedo naneun gwaenchana
Hangsang niga naye gyeottae isseunika
Meojicheoreom chooeogi byeonhaeseo deonalga
Geucheo utseumyeon maeumeul dalrae yeo bwado
Nae salmi haru haru goomeul gooneun geotcheoreom
Neowa hamkke majubo myeo saranghal soo itdamyeon
Dashi irreoseol geoya
Na ye ge sojoonghaeddeon kiyeoksoge haengbokdeul
Himdeul shigan sogeseodeo deowook ddasoohaedeon
Himangeun naegen chamdeulji ahneun goom
Soo eobsi neomocheo bikeuldaedo
Naneun ireokke seo itjana
Nae mam hanapunninde
Himdeul ttaemyeon niga ireokke himi dwae jullae
Neoreul hyanghae yeongwoni
Ireokke sangcheo soge seulpoom deureun samkin chae
Miso jitneun nae moseubeul neoyege boyeo joolke
Ijeneun apeuji ahna
Eojena neowa hamkke irugopeun goom ango
Gal soo eobdeon jeopyeon eh seo neoreul boollo beolge
Nae maeum dahae saranghaeneun neoreul
Translation :
It doesn’t matter if I’m lonely. Whenever I think of you
A smile spreads across my face.
It doesn’t matter if I’m tired. Whenever you are happy
My heart is filled with love.
Today I might live in a harsh world again.
Even if I’m tired, when I close my eyes, I only see your image.
The dreams that are still ringing in my ears
Are leaving my side towards you.
Everyday my life is like a dream.
If we can look at each other and love each
I’ll stand up again.
To me, the happiness of those precious memories
Will be warmer during hard times.
For me, hope is a dream that never sleeps.
Like a shadow by my side you always
Quietly come to me.
To see if I’m hurt, to see if I’m lonely everyday
With feelings of yearning, you come to me.
Even if the world makes me cry, I’m okay.
Because you are always by my side.
Like dust, will those memories change and leave?
I’ll keep smiling to ease my heart.
Everyday my life is like a dream.
If we can look at each other and love each
I’ll stand up again.
To me, the happiness of those precious memories
Will be warmer during hard times.
For me, hope is a dream that never sleeps.
No matter how many times I stumble and fall
I’m still standing like this.
I only have one heart.
When I’m tired you become my strength.
My heart is towards you forever.
So I swallowed the hurt and grief.
I’ll only show you my smiling form.
It doesn’t even hurt now.
I’ll always hold on to the dreams I want to fulfill with you
I’ll try to call for you at the place I cannot reach
I love you with all my heart.
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Compost to Save our Earth!
I just watched TV a few days ago, so I think it's important to share this with you that we can save our Earth only doing this! Lets check it out^^
We've know that a step of many steps to save our Earth is plant trees. Not only plant trees, we can give food to them by using compost. Some people have tried this and the share to other people to keep our Earth. All of you knew about compost? Ya, we made it from rotten leaves and fruits which kept in a drum and let it for a few days then you must spread it in soil.
The advantage from using compost are, reduce soil contamination due to the use of chemical-based fertilizers, fertilize the plants, adding nutrients in the soil, and the most important is we reduce global warming. Its really useful, right? Only by using compost, we can save our Earth and keep the nature is right at the condition ^^
Then, do you think to try this at home? I think you must answer it with "YES"
High Resolutions Photos of Andromeda!
Andromeda? I've ever heard it,... I know! Andromeda is the nearest galaxy from our galaxy! Milky way^^ Now I can see it better, even i don't have any telescope at home hehe ^^ Lets check it out, guys! ^^
That photo which was released by NASA Wednesday (05/01/2011) is the clearest picture of the Andromeda Galaxy has ever taken with infrared light. The Herschel infrared telescope photographed on 25 December 2010.
Dust ring outside the center of the galaxy is estimated by collisions between smaller galaxy and Andromeda in the past. This image is the result of the Herschel Space Observatory infrared rays (orange) and from XMM-Newton telescope that uses X-rays (blue).
Mice Can Detect Tuberculosis Accurately?
Mice? In my mind, mice are the sucks animal. But, who knows? Mice can detect Tuberculosis more accurate than other tests that commonly tested in the laboratorium.
This research used Gambian mice conducted at Western Michigan University in the United States gave interesting results. Mice can be trained to sniff Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, which exist in human sputum.
In the study, mice were asked to sniff two types namely sputum samples of TB and sputum without bacteria containing the TB bacteria. When the mice spent more time in sputum with TB bacteria, they were given a gift of peanuts and bananas. As a result, mice have the capability of detection of TB of 86.6 percent.
Tests commonly performed to detect TB patients are also using sputum samples. Tests that have been aged 100 years was examining sputum using a certain compound under a microscope.
As reported Popsci, such tests are not successfully detect 60-80 percent positive cases and should no longer be relied upon. Detection is difficult because the bacteria is hard to see unless there are huge numbers. But this successfully trained mice to detect 44 percent more positive cases, based on newspaper the New York Times.
WHO actually has issued a new skiring method that can remove accurate test results within 2 hours. But, the cost for these tests reached 17,000 U.S. dollars (about 150 million dollars). "Tests with the mice are certainly cheaper," said the researcher.
Some animals are also known to be able to detect the disease. Dogs can detect cancer. Mice also can detect avian influenza. Gambian mice in the study of TB is even used to detect land mines. Because of its size, this mouse will not trigger mines.
Eating Worms Eggs to Thin?
Every ladies especially who have obesity want a slim body not except me ^^. But everyone has their own way to reach what they want. From a traditional way such as some therapies, till modern way such as acupuncture. If eating worms eggs? It's really strange way and maybe dangerous in our health. But ladies at China do it (O.o), let's read it ^^
One case of the young women in Xiamen, China. In order to obtain employment, they are willing to eat eggs roundworms in order to reduce weight. They are desperate to resort to instant and this dangerous job in China because the competition is very tight. These women take the position that, if their body slim, greater employment opportunities.
Once swallowed, the eggs will hatch and the worms in the stomach. Then these worms that are expected to "work" drain and lose weight. Thus, those who swallow the worm will be slim without exercising or dieting.
But clearly, this way is dangerous, and absolutely not recommended for those who want to lose weight. Various types of infections caused by this worm eggs can cause health effects. Agency for Disease Control and Prevention United States (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / CDC) states, these infections can trigger some types of migraine headache and swelling of the organs. In addition, other symptoms that may arise is cough, asthma, and pneumonia.
In China, women face greater pressure. They demanded slender-bodied to get a job. Total employment is only about 22 percent, while total labor force increased from 112 million to more than one billion people over the last decade.
There are some other strange way that made Chinese women to arrange the body. They looked at photos for hours to reduce your appetite so that they can lose weight.
A teenager named Xiaomei confess, there are women in China who use a "special soap" to help their diet. Among them there is a bathroom up to 10 times every day. What is clear, the ways it certainly has no scientific basis and tend to endanger health.
In the 1990s, Chinese women consume tea and pills to lose weight. Its really various way to get the slim body. But do you want to danger your body only to get "the good body" ? It depends on ourself. ^^
Tips of Lottery
Always feel dissapoint cause hard to win a lottery? Don't worry friends, I'll share the tips for you, but the a requirement is you may not let others know, only you and me, OK? Here it is...
You've read about the different lottery games and how to play them. You've also found several methods of picking lucky numbers. Now it's time to fine-tune your game using this section full of insider tips and techniques. Know what to do and what to avoid. Learn how to set up a lottery-playing budget. Discover different ways to get in touch with your state's lottery. Finally (may the odds be with you), know what to do if you win!
Prudent Precautions
If possible, always buy your own lottery tickets. Don't ask neighbors or friends to pick them up for you. Similarly, don't pick up tickets for others. Don't loan or borrow money for tickets, and don't go halfsies, either. Why? Isn't this a trifling matter -- the same as picking up a loaf of bread for someone at the store? Not quite. If the ticket doesn't win or if the prize is small, then there's usually no problem. But if the ticket turns out to be a jackpot winner, you could have a sticky situation on your hands. At the very least, it could be embarrassing. This little favor for a neighbor now involves millions of dollars.
For instance, maybe your neighbor said she'd pay you the dollar for the ticket later. Fine, you think. What's a dollar? You give her the ticket, and she's now a millionaire. Be honest. Would you perhaps feel you're entitled to part of the windfall? After all, you did buy the ticket with your own money. OK, it wasn't technically your money. It was money you loaned your neighbor. Still, you did go and purchase the ticket, so you might feel you're entitled to some of the winnings.
What if the situation were reversed, and your neighbor had purchased the ticket for you? Maybe you jokingly promised to split the money with her if you won. Are you aware that she might be able take you to court, claiming the two of you made a verbal agreement? No matter what people's good intentions are before the ticket is purchased, not everyone is as honorable as winner Raul Zavaleta. Once the winning numbers are announced, not everyone will, without hesitation, keep his or her promise to split $40 million.
Are you beginning to see the possible repercussions in this? Why not avoid broken friendships, hurt feelings, and even lawsuits? Buy your own tickets, period. It's an entirely different situation when you give a ticket to someone as a gift, or vice versa -- a gift is a gift.
Most people discard their losing scratch-off, Pick 3, and Lotto tickets. After all, what possible use could you have for those scraps of paper? Think again. If you regularly spend a significant amount of money on the lottery, those old tickets might be worth cash to you.
The IRS says you cannot offset losses against winnings and report the difference. For example, if Mary spends $1,600 a year on tickets and wins only $600, she must report the $600 even though her losses amounted to $1,000. According to the tax rules, if you have gambling losses, you can claim them as an itemized deduction, but you cannot deduct more than the winnings reported. So if Mary itemizes her deductions, she can take only $600 as an itemized loss on schedule A.
On the other hand, if Jim spends $600 and wins $1,600, he too must report the $1,600. But if he itemizes, he can claim the entire $600 as a loss on schedule A since he is allowed to report any losses up to $1,600. Ironically, this law helps winners more than it helps losers. So think positively. Think like a winner, and save those old tickets.
In case you live in one of the states that doesn't have a lottery, you may be tempted to enter lotteries in other states. That's fine, provided you go to the area and purchase the ticket in person. There are several federal and state laws concerning the lotteries. One is the U.S. Postal Service regulation that forbids the mailing of unplayed lottery tickets across state lines.
Some states' laws prohibit the sale of tickets by phone, mail, fax, and over the Internet. If your state has a lottery, it makes little sense to enter either out-of-state or foreign lotteries. Chances are you'll find better odds right in your own backyard, without the extra fee or the risk. Can you imagine winning several million dollars only to discover that you haven't actually won it after all? It seems that any time big money is involved, there are those who try to get a piece of the action -- illegally.
You'll frequently see ads online and in magazines and newspapers for books, software, and other media to help you in your goal to win the Lotto. Some of these are reputable businesses and can offer you professionally designed wheeling systems and other strategies that may help better your chances. But if one of these companies claims their product is guaranteed to make you the next Lotto millionaire, ask yourself one very obvious question: If they've managed to solve the riddle of how to win a jackpot, why are they running an ad?
Playing Smart
If you've been playing for any length of time, by now you've surely heard the advice: "Don't play popular numbers." Why? Certain groups or combinations of numbers are played by hundreds or even thousands of people on any one Lotto night. So why would you care about that? Because if you played 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 and those numbers were drawn, there may be thousands of people to split the prize with. In a $5 million jackpot, you could end up with less than a Pick 3 payoff. What are the popular combinations? There are the sequences such as the one just given as well as sequences of multiples of a certain number. One popular sequence, which consists of multiples of the number 5, is 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30. And because the number is considered lucky, people often play the multiples of 7: 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, and 49.
Another less common practice is to use all numbers of the same value. Sometimes people will play all numbers with the value of the number 3: 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, and 48. Suppose your primary number is 3, because your birthday is March 21. As you previously learned, 21 -- or any number with the value of 3 -- is lucky for you. However, don't use them all on the same play slip. Spread them out over several different plays. Other selections aren't so apparent. What, you might ask, is so common about this combination: 8, 11, 18, 21, 28, and 31? If you fill in these squares on some states' Little Lotto or Lotto play slips, you'll see that these make a zigzag pattern depending on the layout of your play slip.
Many people select numbers that, when marked in the squares, create a design on the play slip. Common patterns are horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines; letters of the alphabet such as X or M; the four corners and center of the play slip; zigzags; and crosses. Even if you do win, playing popular ticket patterns will reduce your share of the jackpot -- sometimes significantly.
A few years ago, the typical five-out-of-five pot for a Florida Fantasy 5 drawing was approximately $20,000. But one night, the payoff for winners who picked five out of five correctly was just a little over $1,500. Why? The winning numbers -- 3, 11, 13, 15, and 23 -- formed a perfect cross. People tend to think alike when it comes to playing numbers, so try to avoid the most logical patterns of play. As for the most popular single numbers (those not part of a popular series), they are 1 through 31 -- the birthday numbers. This is not to say you should avoid playing your birth date.
Just don't make a habit of playing all low numbers on one ticket. Keep in mind that the digits 1 through 9 are even more popular. Keep those to a minimum. It seems there are few hard and fast rules in Lotto, though. There have been multimillion-dollar jackpots in which the winning numbers were all low ones (but since they weren't popular combinations of low numbers, the winners didn't have to split the jackpot with many other winners). Although the results aren't as dramatically disappointing as with popular numbers, another way you may lose out -- even if you win -- is when the jackpot is large. When there is no winner for a while, the prize money rolls over and, in a sort of snowball effect, grows ever larger. The more people buy tickets, the bigger the jackpot grows. And the bigger it grows, the more people buy tickets. Lured by pots of $30 million, $50 million, and higher, players come out of the woodwork. Even those who don't usually play the lottery will play the lottery!
So if you correctly pick five out of six, there may be many more five-out-of-six winners than usual, which may mean less money for you. If the name of the game is to win, and the way to win is to lessen the odds, why join the crowd? Go ahead and buy a ticket for the big-money drawing. But smart players quietly prefer the "small" jackpots, those of only $2 million, $4.5 million, or $6 million. This is called maximizing the value of your prize. If you think about it, those "small" jackpots would be pretty nice prizes to win, too.
Make a Budget
There seems to be nearly as many budgets for lottery play as there are playing strategies. Some believe "when you're hot, you're hot," and when you're on a winning streak, you should continue to bet. You'll be inclined to agree with that, with its theory that some time periods in our lives are more lucky than others. But too many people go about it the wrong way. For example, you may buy $8 worth of scratch-off tickets one morning and win $20 and $5. Not bad, you think. So you then put $5 on the Pick 3 game, purchasing $5 worth. You end up winning $40. Then you decide to place the $25 you got from the instant tickets on the Powerball.
You don't win anything on the Powerball. So, how did you do? You originally spent $8 on the scratch-off tickets. So before you entered the Pick 3, you were $17 ahead. You spent $5 on the Pick 3, so before you entered Powerball, you were $52 ahead. So far, so good. After playing Powerball, you are exactly $27 ahead. After all that excitement, it seems like a letdown, right? Of course, you can always say, "Well, I did come out ahead." Here's what you should have done. You were right in assuming you were on a roll, and you were right to take advantage of it. But instead of placing $25 on Powerball, you should have put only $5 on the game. Then you would still be $47 on the plus side. The mistake you made was a common one: placing the "$25 you won on the scratch-off tickets" on Powerball. The truth is, you didn't win $25 on the instant tickets. Since you had to spend $8 to buy them, you won only $17.
Sometimes we have a knack for conveniently forgetting our original investments. Next time, reinvest only the amount you began with or less. In this case, that would have been $8 or less. The best thing to do is to draw up a plan in which you spend a certain amount per month. Be consistent. Never, for any reason, go over this amount. When you're on a roll, reinvest only the amount you started with. Set aside your regular amount for next month's playing, and put the rest of your profits in the bank, in a drawer, or in a shoe. This idea is used by players in the stock markets and other money markets and is a simple one: Let your profits ride, and cut your losses. Remember that rule whenever you play the lottery, and you'll enjoy the games much more.
Getting in Touch With the Lotteries
There are several ways of finding out about the lottery. Sometimes, however, you'll need to contact the lottery itself, either directly or indirectly, for answers to your questions. The different states vary as to which medium gives what information. Here's what you can expect to find -- and where:
* Newsletters. Again, each state differs as to information given. But generally, the publications (you'll find them free at lottery retailers) contain at least some of the following: new games (on-line and instant), prizes remaining on instant games, special promotions, brief winner stories, winning numbers for the past weeks or months, and hot/cold numbers. At the very least, you'll find leaflets explaining how to play the games and information on new games.
* Phone lines. While some of these may still be referred to as "hotlines," most phone numbers to your state lottery are "customer service lines." Rarely do they give the drawing results, but instead they provide information on claiming a prize, such as the location of the nearest claim center or, in the case of a jackpot, information about the lottery headquarters. You'll find these numbers on the back of your ticket.
* Web sites. These are now the preferred method to learn about your state's lottery. They generally offer a gold mine of information. Variously, you may discover the legal age to play, games (existing and upcoming), instant games (usually with graphics), odds, playing instructions, times and dates of drawings, and drawing results (some extending several months into the past). You may also read about new winners and learn how to collect your prize money. Some sites offer a Frequently Asked Questions section. If your state offers Mega Millions or Powerball, you'll find either a link or information on it. It's easy to find the Web site. Just look on your ticket.
* E-mail. Have questions? E-mail them to your state lottery. You'll find the address on the Web site.
If You Win
Before you can win, you must first find out if you hold a winning ticket. Always double-check the date and the numbers on your lottery tickets with the winning numbers for that day's drawing. And if you missed the drawing on television, it's also a good idea to check more than one source. The Michigan Lotto hotline once gave the wrong winning numbers for the Daily 4. The mistake was corrected in a few minutes, but can you imagine the dismay of anyone who destroyed his ticket and later found out he'd won?
And it wouldn't hurt to give that scratch-off ticket another glance before you throw it away just to make sure you haven't beaten the dealer, opened the cash vault, spun 'n' won, bingoed, won for life, or otherwise come into some cash. Incredible as it may seem, literally millions of dollars go unclaimed each year. For whatever reasons, people may get rid of a ticket, lose it, or throw it away by mistake. But their loss can become someone else's gain. Here is some important information for lucky winners:
* First and foremost: Whether you've won a little or a lot -- even before you're sure you have won -- sign the ticket. Unsigned, the ticket is a bearer instrument. This means it belongs to the bearer just like cash.
* Don't let time run out. Many states' deadlines for on-line games are 180 days from the date of the drawing. But time limits vary from state to state and from game to game, so check the previously mentioned sources, the back of the play slip, or the back of the instant ticket to make sure.
* Some states have different rules, but generally you can take your winning ticket that's less than $600 to the lottery retailer, who will pay you the money. Other states (just to complicate matters) set the limit at up to, and including, $600.
* Again, generally speaking, winning tickets that are $600 or over (but usually not jackpot tickets) may be cashed by taking the ticket to a state claim center. There you'll fill out a claim form and collect your prize. You can find claim center phone numbers or addresses at the retailers, on your state's Web site, or by calling the customer service number, which is usually on the back of your ticket.
* While some lotteries say you may take care of this by mail, it is not advisable. In the same way, it would be foolish to put a thousand dollars in cash into an envelope and mail it.
* In the case of jackpots, some states pay in one lump sum, now called cash value option. Others pay by annuity (installments over a period of years). Still others give you a choice. Sometimes this choice must be made when you buy the ticket.
* The IRS requires lotteries to withhold 25 percent federal tax from prizes more than $5,000. There also may be a smaller state tax withheld.
* Important: See a tax attorney before collecting the prize. If a jackpot winner dies, heirs will get the money just as any other holding, such as real estate. But unless the deceased has set up legal trusts, inheritance taxes could wipe out nearly the entire fortune.
* If you win "the big one," as stated earlier, sign the ticket. Keep it in a safe place. Verify that you are indeed the winner. See an attorney. Then contact your state lottery headquarters, who will arrange for a day for you to come in, have your ticket validated, and collect your prize money.
* Keep a low profile. Aside from the lawyer and close family members, tell no one. Until you've had your ticket validated, you're in a somewhat precarious situation. For your own safety -- not to mention that of the ticket -- the fewer who know, the better.
A couple more pieces of advice: Wear a pair of sunglasses to keep the limelight out of your eyes. Wear a smile for the cameras. You're a winner. Congratulations!