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UFO, It's a Journey...

Crop circle at overseas

Change is a certainty. Development or growth is a process of change that often times we do not know the beginning and end boundaries. Change itself does not have the final edge.

Monday (1/24/2011) morning, Hamlet Rejosari, Jogotirto, Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta, the arrival of waves of people who want to watch a unique phenomenon, namely the mysterious circle (symmetric) in the paddy fields of seven residents. Similar phenomena occurred in various parts of the world, the largest in the United States and Europe and usually occur in wheat fields. Such phenomenon commonly referred to as crop circles. In the 20th century occurred some 10,000 crop circles, while the number of UFO cases have been reported since before 1940 to now around 550 cases with 434 cases of which accompanied by photographs (www.ufoevidence.org).

One of the spearheads circles who believe in aliens is Bob Dean, ufologist and former members of staff at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in the 1960s. Bob Dean among other states, information about UFOs and aliens, including secret military information with very high level and "forbidden announced to the audience."

Old phenomenon

Meanwhile, the crop circle phenomenon is a phenomenon that is quite old, has been there since around the year 1686, when Prof. Robert Polt, a professor of chemistry at Oxford, wrote the book A Natural History of Staffordshire who offend crop circle. He, among others mentioned forms crop circle is symmetrical and occurs on land that is fertile and in the open field. Crop circle by some people then thought to be the trail landing Unidentified flying object (UFO).

About whether or not UFOs then provoke long debate. On the one hand there are groups who believe in UFOs, unidentified flying objects are touted as vehicles aliens (aliens) from outer space. On the other hand there are groups who do not believe in the existence of extraterrestrials and UFOs.

The first group argues, crop circles are the traces of UFO landings. It's hard to imagine a complicated pattern in the region is wide enough; circle in Sleman diameter of about 60 meters to 70 meters can be made quickly without them knowing. Circle in Sleman known Ngadiran, one of the owners of paddy fields, on Sunday (01/23/2011). In fact, on Saturday circle does not already exist.

Parties who do not believe in UFOs confirmed, crop circles are man-made artwork. Astronomy professors of Astronomy Study Program Bandung Institute of Technology, Taufiq Hidayat, for example, said, "This circle is more of an art phenomenon. This is a man-made (Kompas, 25/1/2011). "

While the Institute of Aviation and Space Agency took to the field after yesterday asserted, a mysterious circle in Sleman is man-made because there is a hole in the middle of the alleged former site menancapnya shaft to form circular patterns. Similar phenomenon, Tuesday, was found in paddy fields in the hamlet Wanujoyo, Srimartani, Piyungan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

This opinion is strengthened by the recognition of Doug Bower and Dave Chorley in 1991 that they created the mysterious circle at Longwood Estate. The idea of making their circle cetuskan 1978. The crop circle creators also have a complete official site by making a crop circle. For some, the UFO problem may come in the area of pseudo-science.

From the debate and put forward the fact that the two parties, the question "whether there are beings beyond our galaxy who often come to Earth using a UFO?" Still will reverberate long.

The long journey

The progress of science up to now, among others, still thick colored by ideas of logical positivism that is rooted in Descartes thought the speech "sacred": cogito ergo sum (I think, therefore I exist). This idea that pursed in the opinion of sensory sensation is the only source of knowledge. Mystical knowledge was abandoned.

So, we were thirsty to find the "answer". However, it reduced the problems of answers can be verified or not, subjective or objective, fact or value, and so forth. Then, if on a possible future study of new thinking in which there is an opportunity to develop a critical question: whether all the scientific methods developed so far are sufficient to dig up the truth?

As an illustration, the Earth is a collection of mystery that little by little we are trying to uncover his secret. The phenomenon of climate change so much in fact we could not even fully peeled completely. Similarly, the Milky Way galaxy where Earth is one of its members is only a very small part of the entire universe (cosmos).

Similarly, science trip that seemed endless. Travel science is still going very long. While the age of the earth reached about 4.5 billion years old, the age of modern humans (Homo sapiens) is still much younger, has not reached 1 million years. Perhaps the answer will be questions about the new UFO will be found in a tempatpada future. Maybe not because UFOs could be just the result of the construction of the human mind.

Source: Kompas

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