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Alien-Made or Human-Made??

The discovery of a giant circle pattern in rice cultivation areas Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Sunday (01/23/2011), attracting the attention of observers of the phenomenon of Unidentified flying object (UFO). Such traces during these crop circles is often called an act associated with a foreign or alien creatures.

Crop circle has been frequently encountered in various countries. These reports are often delivered from local astonishing Latin America. Very large size can reach tens to hundreds of meters.

"With a very large size hard to say if the forms of such a giant man-made. So it can be concluded, there are other creatures that make it," said Dudi Sudibyo, observers are also observers of the UFO flight, when contacted Kompas.com, Sunday night.

Nevertheless, he did not deny that the crop circle could be also be made human. Moreover, in Yogyakarta that size is not as big crop circles in Latin America that its size in the tens to hundreds of meters.

"Scientific approach should still be put forward. I think people can not ignore it just like that. It should be investigated further," said Dudi.

He said that interested parties should immediately examine the document such as taking pictures in detail, measure its dimensions, including investigating how the crop circles that can appear on the site.

There are a number of experts who had previously tried to reconstruct the manufacture of crop circles. According to him, it is not impossible although it should be with the accurate mathematical calculations.

However, until now crop circle ever discovered remains a mystery because no one claimed him. Well, what about the crop circle in Yogyakarta, will remain a mystery?

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