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The Dirty of ATM Machine with Toilet is Same!

Have you ever used ATM Machine? If yes, maybe you won't ever expect that from a ATM, you can transmit or be transmitted by any diseases. But, the research has proven this. Lets we know it more!

The result of a research shows, automatic machine that also turned out banking transactions with the same dirty as PUBLIC TOILET because it is a place that is ideal for breeding bacteria and germs that cause disease.

Scientists in England recently conducted research by comparing the keypad or keyboard input multiple ATM with public toilet seats. The results show, both appeared to have similar levels of bacterial contamination.

Samples from both places are equally an ideal place for the bacteria that cause infections and diarrheal diseases.

"We were surprised by these findings because the ATM machines contaminated with bacteria with the same level of public toilets. In addition, the bacteria were detected in the ATM is the same kind as the toilet, which became the most common cause of illness in the community," said Dr. Richard Hastings of BioCote Ltd., a company in the field of anti-bacterial mengagas this research.

Earlier, in a poll of consumers revealed, toilet ranked first as the most slovenly, while ATM is ranked 10. Places that are judged as a hotbed of growth of bacteria is a public phone box, bus and train seats.

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