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Less Sleep Influences Your Health?

It's very important for you all who are less sleep! Your time of sleep will influence your health. Then, we must know how it can influence our health?

DO you often feel forgotten or difficult to concentrate? When you sleep at night is less than six hours? Well, if it is felt, then no doubt you lack sleep.

Yes, lack of sleep consciously or not, can make a person difficult to think clearly and unable to suppress emotion. Generally many people who sleep less are not aware of the effects of lack of sleep greatly affects the mind and mental health.

In fact, sleep is not just rest the body. More than that, sleep has been shown to improve memory, vision, and ability to learn.

"When asleep, the same as you save energy in the body," says Barry Krakow, MD in the page Webmd.com.

Author of Sound Sleep, Sound Mind: 7 Keys to Sleeping Through the Night is to say, at rest, the body tries to repair itself.

"This is what makes humans able to perform activities, both physically and mentally," he added.

Sufficient time to sleep is crucial that there are still many underestimated. They did not know that lack of sleep can impact on the various things that harm themselves. Call it a thinking process becomes slow.

The experts who examined the matter of sleep found that decreased sleep time may result in low alertness and concentration. The low alertness and concentration is then hamper performance and make it difficult to solve problems that require logical and rational.

Lack of sleep also result in decreased ability to make decisions. The explanation is simple, namely the absence of the ability to assess things and decide sikap.Kurangnya sleep time also affects the ability to learn in both directions.

Because you are not able to focus so hard to digest the information. Memory or memory is also at stake in this. In themselves the children or adolescents, lack of sleep can make it become hyperactive and difficult to learn.

They tend to lose concentration, craft, and lower the memory capacity necessary to excel in school. Assistant professor in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Maryland School Verceles Avelino MD says, "When a person sleeps, the various things we have learned and experienced during a full day, will be stored in short-term memory," he said.

Avelino added, when the middle of sleepy, people will often feel forgotten something. For example, where he put this barangnya.Kondisi because of being sleepy and would worsen memory.

"When you are unable to concentrate, information received will not be stored in both the short-or long-term memory," said Allison T Siebern PhD, which deepened his studies on the program about sleep hygiene and insomnia at Stanford University.

In addition to the various circumstances that have been mentioned earlier, lack of sleep also makes one's reaction time is slower. This capability but very necessary, especially when someone is driving or doing jobs that require quick reaction.

Free Road Safety Administration Agency Barriers (The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) estimates that at least there are 100,000 crashes reported to police each year due to drowsy drivers. This incident happened mainly teenagers and adults, especially the men.

They usually are part-time workers who work at night or working on the not fixed, as well as those who experience sleep disorders. Lags in people's ability to react will endanger himself.

In a study conducted in 2009, researchers from the University of Texas found that disrupted rest time will hinder integration of information. This is a function of the mind that depend on the ability to decide something. The researcher argues, professions such as firefighters, policemen, and soldiers are very vulnerable to this one function. Lack of sleep also affects mood significantly.

Causing a person becomes more sensitive and the decreasing ability to control emotions.

"Gradually, this situation will affect the relationship, or even a person's job," says Allison.

In fact, patients who have chronic sleep disorders will likely suffer depresi.Ini revealed in an earlier study in 2005 which states that people with insomnia disease 10 times more at risk for depression and 17 times more likely to suffer from anxiety than those who get enough sleep.

Lack of sleep and depression are closely related so that makes experts are also confused determine which of the two states that came first on the patient.

"Sleep and mood also influence each other," said Allison.

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